
Building Immersive Visualizations for Welfare, Awareness, and Comprehension

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Open positions

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Filled positions

Postdoc (this position has been filled)

In the context of the project Be·Aware, we are hiring a postdoc on a 2-year contract. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues from LESSAC in behavioral economics and from CIRED who do integrated assessment modeling. Together we study effects on behavior and decision making of using augmented reality interventions in the context of climate change mitigation efforts. We are looking for a postdoc with a strong background in data visualization, quantitative experimental methods, and preferably a good track record in performing rigorous and transparent research. Experience in implementing and/or using augmented reality visualizations is a plus but not mandatory, as the project is supported by a research engineer.
Interested candidates should contact Pierre Dragicevic and Yvonne Jansen using [beaware postdoc application] in the subject line and include a CV, a link to a personal website or portfolio, and a short statement of interest.

Research engineer (this position has been filled)

We are hiring a research engineer to work on the Ember project for two to three months and on the I-am project for one year. Both projects involve the development of augmented-reality (AR) interfaces. The goal of the I-am project is to understand the effect of AR on everyday autobiographical memory. The engineer’s main missions will be to assist the PhD Student working on the project Léana Petiot in developing AR prototypes and software needed for the user experiments, and make the work reusable by developing an open-source platform, documenting it, and maintaining it. We are looking for a person with a good experience of development in Unity, and experience in developing and sharing reusable source code.
Interested candidates should contact Pierre Dragicevic and Hélène Sauzéon using [I-am research engineer application] in the subject line and include a CV, a link to a personal website or portfolio, and a short statement of interest.